Investment Opportunities
Supra Capital has two investment options for wholesale investors:
Contributory Mortgage Funds
Contributory mortgage funds are single asset investments providing competitive risk adjusted returns dependent upon individual loan parameters and prevailing market rates. The individual loan parameters of each investment opportunity, including: security, secured property, loan to value ratio, loan term and other specific loan parameters are incorporated into individual Investment Information Memorandum. This enables investors to select investments according to their personal preferences. Interest is paid monthly or quarterly in advance and investors are provided with quarterly project updates on their investments. Contributory Mortgage Funds are suitable for those who want an active role in their investments.
For more information about the Contributory Mortgage Funds please see our Sample Transactions or contact us.
First Mortgage Pooled Fund
The Supra Capital First Mortgage Fund is a product which consists of a diversified pool of first mortgage loans. Investments are combined and there is risk diversification as funds are allocated across a variety of loans that are professionally managed. Interest is paid quarterly in arrears and the Supra Capital First Mortgage Fund Quarterly Report provides relevant details on the Fund’s investment composition, loan diversity, geographical diversity and other relevant insights and details. After the initial investment, there is no need to consider each individual investment made by the Pooled Fund. The First Mortgage Pooled Fund is suitable for those who want a more passive role in their investments.
For more information about the First Mortgage Pooled Fund please contact us.